Ancestral Clearing

What is it?

Ancestral clearing is an exciting aspect of my 1-2-1 coaching practice that is helping clients, like you, achieve amazing breakthroughs.  Ancestral clearing is what is known as a somatic practice.

Psychology Today describes somatic therapy as, “A form of body-centered therapy that looks at the connection of mind and body.  Practitioners use exercises to help release the pent-up tension that is negatively affecting your physical and emotional well-being.  Somatic therapy helps you to release the tension, anger, frustration and other emotions that remain in your body from past negative experiences.

Is it for you?

If you have an issue that you haven’t been able to resolve through mindset coaching or other therapies, and are committed to change and have an open mind, this will help you get the most from an ancestral clearing session.

Anxiety and trauma can get “stuck” in the physical body and ancestral clearing can help release these sensations.  You will leave the session feeling mentally lighter, as if a weight has been lifted.

Of course, it would be impossible and actually, pretty reckless(!) to guarantee specific results from my coaching and/or ancestral clearing work.  In order for you to get the most from our work together, I always stress the importance of you taking responsibility for your own well-being. 

I always felt like I wasn’t good enough. Not tall enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough, not earning enough… Just like I was always coming up short.  I have done a lot of personal development work and I’ve worked with some amazing coaches.  But I knew there were beliefs or patterns that were holding me back, but I wasn’t sure what they were or how to uncover them.  I wanted someone to help me break through those barriers.  

During our session I truly loved your calming energy.  At one stage I could feel your energy, it was as if you were reaching across the world to me and giving me a hug… it was amazing!

I feel so much more at ease with just being myself.  It’s so difficult to describe the feelings I had as I never even knows how strongly I felt “not good enough”.  But since our session it’s as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I am so much more ok with being me, completely and fully me.  I don’t have to pretend to be better, I AM ENOUGH.

Life is so much easier when you are ok with who you are. I am finding it so much easier to be kind to myself, to be firmer when putting healthy boundaries in place, to be stronger in advocating for myself.  I truly wish that everyone could feel this at ease with themselves.

The longer you wait to do it the longer you’ll sit with your struggles.  Wish I’d known Sarah sooner so I could have done this years ago!

Elanya Van Heerden, Australia

I had anxiety I couldn’t shift and I was looking for something impactful to help identify what I was feeling.

During the session I managed to unpack memories I had hidden away, now I know what it is. I felt the whole process was amazing and a created a massive shift in me!!!!

This was one of the best sessions I have ever had.  I would say, just go in with an open mind and trust the process and Sarah.

Sara Amira Saleh, UK

I had money blocks and this reflected in my business and I wanted to get clarity on improving my business.

During the session, I realised that I struggle to ask for help and the beliefs around asking for support were holding me back and this showed up in my business.  Since the session, I now work on strategising on getting help when necessary.

After the session, I felt much calmer, grounded and got clarity.  It was a great session I had with Sarah.  She was calm, gentle and gave simple instructions.  I got the clarity that I needed.  The best part is that I didn’t have to prepare before the session. I would recommend anyone who is ready to book a session.


I wanted to overcome the need to control things and wanted to trust more.  I felt my problem lay in one area of my life, when working with Sarah I was able to uncover the real source of the problem.  She helped me see what I could not see.  It allowed blocks to come to the surface to be released.  Immediately l felt lighter, I felt calm and meditative afterwards.

I can now connect the dots with how things have played out in my life since I was a kid, which is huge and is something I’ll still be able to work on within myself.  Allowing Sarah to help uncover some blocks that are holding you back can set you into new levels of freedom.


I wanted to allow good things and abundance to enter and stay in my life.  During the session, I could really feel that something was removed, I felt freer, more relaxed.  I was so happy that I had this session.  I felt so much lighter and more confident, relaxed, excited after the session.  I had more energy too and those feelings have stayed with me.

I would warmly recommend you to have a session with Sarah.  It is amazing what impact in can have on your feelings and being, even in such a short time.

It truly was amazing Sarah, thank you so much. 

K K, Finland

I wanted to clear ancestral blocks that were affecting my abundance and business success.  During the session, I was able to find where a limiting belief came from.  I truly felt that Sarah cared and was committed to helping me with this block.

I noticed I felt lighter and happier after our session.  I can still feel her huge heart and aura embracing me with love.  She gave me great advice and has a beautiful insight on things.

If you really want to meet someone who truly cares about you and will definitely help with blocks, book her immediately.  It’s the best time investment I’ve had in the past month.  I love to invest in myself, and she did not disappoint.


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